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Picture of Drayton Brennan of the Peace River Royals

1995 - 2016

Drayton Brennan

A Sweatpants Superhero

"Drayty, you were not only my brother, you were my best friend; my idle. I looked up to you and you were my superhero. 


When people say the word superhero, they think Superman or Batman - I think Drayton. 


Everyone knows the saying, 'Not all superheroes wear capes'. You know what? Mine wears a hoodie and sweatpants but sometimes a hockey or baseball jersey. 


And you may be asking, 'well what kind of power does he have?' He had the power of being an older brother and that's by far the best one any superhero could have.


So, until next time, rest easy my friend."


-Terrik Brennan, Drayton's younger brother, 2016

Drayton Brennan and his younger brother Terrik Brennan

A beautiful tribute by Tenille Townes

Tenille Townes is a long-time friend of the Brennan family. Drayon's jersey is featured in her music video "Jersey on the Wall" - A beautiful tribute to all those who have been lost. We'll always remember.

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